AWS API Gateway with AWS Cognito & Cloudflare Integration


This document provides a step-by-step guide to working with the provided API Gateway and authenticating the user with AWS Cognito, including how to integrate with Cloudflare. By following the instructions in this document, you will be able to create a fully working CDK stack that creates and connects AWS Cognito and AWS API Gateway

Cloudflare Integration

Cloudflare Integration means that Cloudflare will act as the frontend for our AWS API Gateway. If a client want to send a request to API Gateway, the request will go through Cloudflare first and then AWS API Gateway, and if the request is authorized, it'll hit the AWS Console.

Request from Client to AWS Console diagram

api gateway with auth diagram

Creating a fully working CDK stack

The follow CDK stack create and integrate AWS Cognito and AWS API Gateway. The steps are:

  1. Create Cognito User Pool
    1. Create an app client
    2. Create a domain
  2. Create a REST API Gateway
    1. Create a resource /ditto
    2. Create a GET HTTP Integration for the resource
    3. Create Cognito authorizer for the API Gateway
      • Uses the created Cognito User Pool instance to create the authorizer
    4. Set the authorization handler for the resource's GET method as the created Cognito's authorizer

CDK Code

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import * as apiGateway from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway'
import * as cognito from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cognito'
export class CdkStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props)
// Create Cognito user pool
const USER_POOL_ID = 'APIgatewayUserPool'
const userPool = new cognito.UserPool(this, USER_POOL_ID, {
// Allow users to sign-up
selfSignUpEnabled: true,
autoVerify: {
email: true,
standardAttributes: {
// By default, Cognito verify sign-ups. When the email isn't required-
// Cognito hosted UI won't display it when singing up
email: {
required: true,
// Add an App Client. Necessary for the hosted API and-
// for other apps to interact with Cognito API programmatically
// Create a domain for the Hosted UI
userPool.addDomain('Domain', {
cognitoDomain: {
// "onetwothree" are meant to make the prefix unique
domainPrefix: 'apigatewayauthonetwothree',
// You could provide a custom domain instead
// customDomain: ''
// Create REST API Gateway
const api = new apiGateway.RestApi(this, 'ditto-api')
// Declare HTTP Integration type with target as pokeAPI to be used later
const httpIntegration = new apiGateway.HttpIntegration(
// Add `/ditto` resource to the API Gateway
const dittoResource = api.root.addResource('ditto')
// Create Cognito authorizer for the API Gateway
const cognitoAuth = new apiGateway.CognitoUserPoolsAuthorizer(
cognitoUserPools: [userPool],
// Create a protected GET method with Cognito authorizer for `/ditto` resource
dittoResource.addMethod('GET', httpIntegration, {
authorizer: cognitoAuth,
authorizationType: apiGateway.AuthorizationType.COGNITO,

Demo API Gateway with auth enabled

The following steps were performed to create the API Gateway with auth enabled:

  1. Create a REST API
  2. Create a resource and a method
  3. Create a Congito user pool
  4. Create Cognito authorizer from the Authorizers page
  5. Set the Authorization option in the resource's Method Request to the created Cognito authorizer

Working with the API Gateway

The API Gateway has a custom URL because it'll later be integrated with Cloudflare; Explained in the next section.

API Gateway URL:

The API Gateway has auth enabled with AWS Cognito. It has one resource named /ditto that has a GET method with an HTTP integration that respond with a Pokemon from PokeAPI. The resource is protected and to access it, you'll have to provide a JWT token in the Authorization header.

You can get the JWT token by signing in to Congito's app client with the following credentials:

Cognito app client URL:

username: superdude password: Superd3d$

Once you sign in, you'll be redirected to, the URL has a query parameter with the name id_token, this is your JWT token. Save it somewhere.

Usually, it doesn't contain the id_token, but if we set the response_type query parameter as "token" it'll include it


Using Postman or your favorite API testing tool, send a request to with/without the Authorization header wit the value of id_token:


curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR_ID_TOKEN>'


curl --location ''

Common errors

While creating/working with the API Gateway, you may encounter the following issues:

  • If the JWT token is valid and you receive the response message: "unauthorized", the JWT token has likely expired. Re-sign in and use the new JWT token.
  • Make sure when creating the Cloudflare certificate, you set the Hostnames as <subdomain>.<domain> e.g, instead of, otherwise, API Gateway won't be able to intercept your requests from Cloudflare.

Integrating Cloudflare with the API Gateawy

To do this, you'll have to follow the following steps:

  1. Generate a certificate in Cloudflare
  2. Import the crertificate in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
  3. Create a custom domain from API Gateway Custom domain names page
  4. Create an API mapping for your API Gateway and an optional path in your custom domain
  5. Add a CNAME DNS record in your Cloudflare page that points a subdomain to the API Gateway domain name
    • You can find the API Gateway domain name by going to the created custom domain and Configuration
    • api gateway domain example
  6. Set the encryption mode as Full
