AWS API Gateway with Cloudwatch

AWS API Gateway with Cloudwatch


The following document is a step-by-step guide on integrating AWS API Gateway with Cloudwatch through the CDK


The following stack creates AWS API Gateway with authentication provided by Cognito and logging provided by Cloudwatch.


The following are the steps required to add Auth & Cloudwatch to the API Gateway. This document goes in more depth about adding Authentication

Request to log diagram


API Gateway + Auth

  1. Create Cognito User Pool
    1. Create an app client
    2. Create a domain
  2. Create a REST API Gateway
    1. Create a resource /ditto
    2. Create a GET HTTP Integration for the resource
    3. Create Cognito authorizer for the API Gateway
      • Uses the created Cognito User Pool instance to create the authorizer
    4. Set the authorization handler for the resource's GET method as the created Cognito's authorizer

API Gateway + Cloudwatch

  1. Create a deployment instance of the REST API Gateway
  2. Create a log group
  3. Use the same Rest API Gateway from API Gateway + Auth
  4. Create a dev stage with custom access logging & cloudwatch error/info logs enabled

CDK Code

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import * as apiGateway from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway'
import * as cognito from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cognito'
import * as logs from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-logs'
export class CdkStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props)
// SECTION: API Gateway + Auth
// Create Cognito user pool
const USER_POOL_ID = 'APIgatewayUserPool'
const userPool = new cognito.UserPool(this, USER_POOL_ID, {
// Allow users to sign-up
selfSignUpEnabled: true,
autoVerify: {
email: true,
standardAttributes: {
// By default, Cognito verify sign-ups. When the email isn't required-
// Cognito hosted UI won't display it when singing up
email: {
required: true,
// Add an App Client. Necessary for the hosted API and-
// for other apps to interact with Cognito API programmatically
// Create a domain for the Hosted UI
userPool.addDomain('Domain', {
cognitoDomain: {
// "onetwo" are meant to make the prefix unique
domainPrefix: 'apigatewayauthonetwo',
// You could provide a custom domain instead
// customDomain: ''
// Create REST API Gateway
const api = new apiGateway.RestApi(this, 'ditto-api', {
// Automatically create a Cloudwatch role for this API
cloudWatchRole: true,
// Declare HTTP Integration type with target as pokeAPI to be used later
const httpIntegration = new apiGateway.HttpIntegration(
// Add `/ditto` resource to the API Gateway
const dittoResource = api.root.addResource('ditto')
// Create Cognito authorizer for the API Gateway
const cognitoAuth = new apiGateway.CognitoUserPoolsAuthorizer(
cognitoUserPools: [userPool],
// Create a protected GET method with Cognito authorizer for `/ditto` resource
dittoResource.addMethod('GET', httpIntegration, {
authorizer: cognitoAuth,
authorizationType: apiGateway.AuthorizationType.COGNITO,
// API Gateway + Auth end
// SECTION: API Gateway + Cloudwatch start
const deployment = new apiGateway.Deployment(this, 'Deployment', { api })
// Create a log group for Cloudwatch
const devLogGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'DevLogs')
// Create a dev stage for the API Gateway
new apiGateway.Stage(this, 'dev', {
stageName: 'dev',
// Enables Custom Access Logging
accessLogDestination: new apiGateway.LogGroupLogDestination(devLogGroup),
accessLogFormat: apiGateway.AccessLogFormat.jsonWithStandardFields(),
// Enabled Cloudwatch info & error loggings
loggingLevel: apiGateway.MethodLoggingLevel.INFO,
// API Gateway + Cloudwatch end
